I wish that the students of Dimoria College will set some new trends.
First of all, a student must set goals for himself. These goals may be for the day, the week, the month, the year and the whole life. A student should decide what he wants to accomplish in a semester, including what grades he would like to earn. Then, he must be determined to succeed and meet those goals. Having goals gives a student purpose and keeps him focused.
Secondly, the student must be attentive. The college should be treated as more than just a place for social gathering with friends, and classes should be taken very seriously. This means that the student should come to class with some homework, prepared to interect and ready to learn. When the teacher is talking, he should be listening, giving the teacher as he possibly can. Attending classes should be the top priority for him.
Finally, the student must not be afraid to ask questions. He must understand that asking questions help clarify information and improves his understanding. If he does not comprehend something being taught, instead of just remaining confused and silent, he should ask questions untill he fully understands. Being inquisitive is a vital attribute of a successful student.
Let's remember what Albert Einstein said,"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is nor to stop question".
Krishna Gopal Bhattacharyya
President, GB.
Dimoria College, Khetri